Monday, February 20, 2017

Dr. Lane Sebring – Founder, Sebring Clinic and Paleo Pharmacy

Dr. Lane Sebring has been in the field of medicine for close to 2 decades (18 years to be precise). He did his bachelor’s in biology at the University of Texas, Austin and went on to do his master’s degree in Galveston, at the University of Texas Medical Branch. With exposure to medical sciences and also his keenness to dabble with alternative medicines and healing techniques, Dr. Sebring developed a unique fondness for the Paleo diet. In fact, Dr. Sebring is the first American doctor to have brought the Paleo diet and mainstream medicine in close proximity to each other. In this brief interview, we’ll have Dr. Sebring answer some questions relating to his profession and also personal life.


1. What was your favorite subject in school?

As a kid, I was always fascinated by the sciences. I have been always curious to get to the roots of things I come across and problems I encounter, and prove why something works the way it does. But I was also interested in human health and lifestyle. Probably, this constant quest for information made me choose biology in college. During my course, I was not too sure if conventional medicine was the right way to deal with and cure all of the world’s medical/health issues. This uncertainty resulted in me later focusing on food and nutrition, which eventually led me to where I am now with my practice, Sebring Clinic.


2. What led you to start your own practice?

After completing my residency, I worked in a private clinic. During my time of practice there, I realized we were not necessarily getting to the roots of the problems, and were only focusing on the symptoms of diseases. This made me more curious and I decided to learn the role food plays in human health. When I realized regular medical practice is not going to cut it for me and I won’t get the professional satisfaction and freedom I want out of it, I decided to branch out on my own.  


3. How has paleo changed your life?

Paleo has helped in many ways. It has made me stronger, healthier and I feel much more at ease with myself. I have no medical or health issues that most people of my age are commonly plagued with. By the way, I am in my 60s and I have the energy and enthusiasm of a modern-day 20- or 30-year-old individual, if this information can help you gain some insight.


4. What do you like to do in your spare time?

When I am not attending to my patients, I prefer spending time with my family and friends. I am also a reader. As aforementioned, I get curious about things that I don’t understand and reading helps feed my curiosity. In fact, I should thank my “reading” habit for my current professional status, because if I hadn’t read all the books and journals I did, I would have not come to know about the Paleo diet and its significance.


5. What’s the best health advice you can give?

Stay away from grains. Grains such as rice and wheat are basically starving foods and not meant to help you thrive. In other woods, grains are meant to help you survive but not grow as a human being. Our ancient ancestors never grew or ate grains, and which is why they never had any complaints of osteoporosis, auto immune disorders, diabetes, crooked teeth, and other medical conditions.

Grains were grown some 10,000 years ago to help humans survive. This was the time when most of the plants that our ancestors were dependent on for their food were completely abolished or on the verge of depletion. The best foods to eat are fruits and vegetables. That is what most animals eat and we should be eating too. Remember, the bright colors of berries and the different scents are signs they want to be eaten.

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