Monday, March 13, 2017

Myriam Borg, Create Australia Founder

Myriam Borg has been an instrumental force in the establishment of the unrecovered money industry in Australia & New Zealand, she is a trainer to 95% of all lost money recovery & refund consultants in Australia & New Zealand today. Her vision for her industry and the wider sector is optimistic and progressive. Myriam splits her time between her business based in NSW Australia and traveling with her family to exotic locations. She is the founder of Create Australia.

What Was Your Favorite Subject In School?

History. I was very good at it because I genuinely loved & enjoyed ancient history. I enjoy reading and learning about ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman history, and ancient civilizations. My heritage is a mix of Egyptian, Greek & Italian, so I was enchanted by these cultures and how they were so sophisticated & advanced 7,000 years ago!

I am still a mad history buff, and my children are the same, so visits to Pompeii or the acropolis are very special, love it!

What Was Your First Job?

While I studied Adult Education at the University of Technology Sydney, I worked for the Institute of TAFE in Campbelltown, NSW as a course information officer. I loved the position as it allowed me the flexibility to study, and it was in an adult education environment that was in sync with my chosen profession which is teaching and training adults.

Where And How Did You First Get Into The Industry You Currently Work In?

Sheer desperation I tell you! I was a corporate trainer and loved the teaching profession, but by age 29 I had a 4 year old & was pregnant with my second child. As a trainer, you are standing all day long in front of the classroom teaching. Try doing that 7 months pregnant; add to that public transport commuting, guilt about leaving my first child to caregivers and I was in an emotional crisis.

I decided a home-based business was the way to go, or some kind of business. I looked everywhere, checked out business opportunities and left no stone unturned, I came up empty. So I wrote a business wish list for myself, and created my own dream job.

It was in the lost money & assets industry, recovering and refunding people’s lost and unrecovered monies which were administered by various trust authorities – no one else was doing it in Australia or New Zealand, and I loved it. And my business grew very quickly, from there I systemized my business model, this allowed others to set up and develop similar successful businesses within the lost money industry, so am back to a training and mentoring role- which I really enjoy.

In that process, an entire industry was born!

How Have Those Jobs Prepared You For What You Do Now?

Look, everything you do is for a reason. My early days of giving course & career information, my teaching and training qualifications and experience, developing really successful businesses from start up, it all leads you to grow and be more. Success is never overnight, and never undeserved, I really believe that!

Describe The Best Day Of Work You’ve Ever Had.

The best day I EVER HAD was when I had been in my refund consulting business for 12 months. I was working very hard, terrified I’d be another statistic like the 98% business failure rates quoted by the business bureau. I was working so hard I didn’t even check my bank account balance. I went to my accountant for a meeting to see how I was doing, and he turned around and said “Myriam your business is phenomenal, you can afford to get stuff, lots of stuff.” I said can I buy a new BMW instead of my bomb? He said yes! I said will I be ok if I buy a new house for my family, he said yes I think you’re good. That day I told myself there is no turning back from here!

I went out and bought a brand spanking new BMW, started shopping for a home is a prestigious suburb & booked my first ever dream holiday to Tahiti. I was so new in business I had no idea I was doing so well, and him saying “wow, girl you are doing well” was like YES a big affirmation, I was going to be OK!

How Do You Keep Yourself Motivated?

I am an extreme type A personality, I can’t stop.  I have a clear vision of where I have been, where I am going and most importantly why I am doing what I am doing. I focus on the positive, and am very tenacious.  LIFE is amazingly inspiring.

What Kind Of Business Ideas Excite You Most?

I LOVE startup businesses that are a little quirky.  I think business should be made to fit in with its owner, and his or her lifestyle. Businesses that are fluid & lucrative and allow lifestyle freedom, these excite me. I think business is not about money alone, business is actually about creativity.

Have You Ever Tried Any Unorthodox Techniques To Attract Attention To Your Business?

Absolutely, I am very unorthodox! I am very down to earth about my journey and my mission I don’t like overly corporate self-presentation I find it unauthentic. Being real resonates with many people.

What Personal Achievement Are You Most Proud Of?

In all honesty, my biggest achievements are what I was able to do for my kids. I am a mother of 3 very gifted boys. Giving them an amazing childhood, a great home environment, the best education money can buy, and having them see the world from a very young age makes me very proud.

My youngest is 8, he is so sophisticated and well-spoken. He first started traveling at 6 months old & has already been to 16 countries, I never had that as a child. I feel really proud to have given that to my kids. It was my dream starting out and I have achieved it.

What Wisdom Would You Have Liked To Share With Yourself When You First Started Out?

When I started out in the business world, I was very naive, so scared, and so anxious. If I can meet myself at 29 when I started out I would tell the 29-year-old me “relax you are going to do well, don’t be so hard on yourself”.  We forget to be kind to ourselves in the race to success.  I had to learn to enjoy my victories and my success instead of going “ok, next, next, next” – be kind to yourself.

Connect with Myriam on Facebook, follow her on Twitter and check out her videos on

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