Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Amanda Carney

1.When did you start blogging?

October 2013

2. Do you make money from your blog?


3.What is one tip new bloggers could benefit from?

Don’t get discouraged easily. Find your own thing that sets you apart from other bloggers and go with it.

4.What has been your best form of marketing for your blog?

Instagram, because it’s easy to throw blog related things on there with a good mix of personal related things. Plus it’s super quick to do so even on your busiest day, you can put up some kind of update.

5.Do you consider your blog a “job”?

Yes and no. It’s a job and a hobby.

6.How do you keep yourself motivated?

Starbucks keeps me motivated. I run purely on caffeine and baby cuddles; but what really keeps me motivated is my kids. I want to show them that I can be a stay-at-home mom but also do something professionally for myself.

7.What is one personal achievement you’re proud of?

I not only blog for myself, but for a few other companies. I never thought I’d get this far, and yet I did within my first year.

8.What advice would you share with yourself when you were 18 years old?

Just be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you aren’t because there are too many John and Jane’s out there pretending or trying to be like someone else. Make your own goals- not the goals society tries to set for you. Be your own person.

9. Anything else you’d like to add?

Family is everything. Don’t put anything in front of your family- it’s just not worth it.

Follow Amanda at fluffbumbabies.com






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