Monday, November 13, 2017

Terry Bandy

Terry Bandy commands a great understanding of data science and it is with this focus that he has risen to become a Senior Data scientist. He is based in San Francisco but he grew up in Boston. Terry attended the Saint Paul’s High School in New Hampshire and from there he joined the Tufts University for his undergraduate studies. But despite entering with pre-med focus, he changed his course to Computer Sciences in his first year after joining university. He took part in many campus activities and one of the groups he actively followed is the Undergraduate Business Association. With the support of two other students, Terry Bandy founded a tech-based business that offered web design and analytics services. He served at this company for five years after which he sold it to a tech firm California.

He then relocated to New England where he would support the new owners of the company through the transition process. Also at this time, he pursued his Masters in Business Intelligence. Today, Terry is a data scientist who works on contractual basis. He has been working with many already established tech firms across the U.S. and abroad. His primary residence is California where he leads a family including his wife and two children. While out of his professional bracket, he enjoys exploring nature and teaching his kids about tech. Most importantly, he takes a lot of his free time traveling with his family. Here is an interview with Terry that will help you understand more about his career and life.

What was your best/favorite subject in school?

Anything science was a favorite because I like to explore the scientific world. I was particularly fascinated by physics and how it has helped enhance design patterns across various fields. Mathematics was also another major and I am happy that I later pursued a field that helped me to fully consume the benefits of these subjects.

What was your first job?

That’s an interesting question. The first position I held was the Chief Executive Officer of my first company that dealt with web design and analytics. This gave me an opportunity to explore the difficult world of business and it equipped me with key skills that have helped me to grow to this point.

Where and how did you get into the industry you currently work in?

To get into business intelligence, I started by pursuing Masters in Business Intelligence as I still worked with the firm that had just acquired my first company. I was to help them handle the transition and besides serving in my role, I also pursued this course to enhance my skills. After completing the course, I immediately launched my freelance profile as a senior data analyst and I have continued to grow with time.

How have those jobs prepared you for what you do now?

These jobs were critical in building my career as a successful tech expert and a manager. I served as a CEO and while working with the tech firm in New England, I acquired more management skills and this has been helpful while working with other clients.

Describe the best day of work you have ever had

The best day of work came when I supported my friend to double his client base and it worked like magic. It was the most exciting moment and all this was achieved through data analytics. It was a moment in which we both joined to celebrate victory.

How do you keep yourself motivated?

To stay motivated, I ensure I always view the positive side of everything that happens. Even when it is about failure in something, I take that as an opportunity to learn about something critical that I should avoid in future.

What kinds of business ideas excite you most?

Any idea that is thought to have the biggest entry curve is something I find particularly interesting to pursue. I like exploring and flexing my muscles against the challenges presented in the business world.

Have you ever tried any unorthodox methods to attract attention to your business?

Indeed, many people would want to drive focus onto their ventures by using unorthodox methods, but in my case I have always ensured that all my dealings lead to processes that are trustworthy. I have always ensured that I pursue my businesses with utmost regard to following the right procedures because I understand that the benefits of honesty are far reaching.

What personal achievement are you proud of most?

I think being able to successfully climb through the tough freelance consulting world has been my biggest achievement. I am proud of the fact that I branched into data analytics, which to me is a field that follows my natural talents and aspirations.

What wisdom you would have liked to share with yourself when you first started out?

One thing I would have advised myself to do is follow a path that serves my natural talents and abilities. I wasted a lot of time pursuing other things before I discovered I was best suited to become a data analyst.

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