Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Rachel Kugel – Founder, The Kugel Law Firm

Rachel Kugel is a lawyer and entrepreneur. She founded The Kugel Law Firm in 2005 and since that time her business has provided hundreds of people charged with offenses compassionate, serious, and focused representation.

Rachel began her love of law while attending college in Washington, D.C. and working as a criminal defense investigator for one of the most high profile law firms in the area. Excited by the field, Rachel decided to go to law school herself and make a difference while making a living.

Rachel Kugel always knew that having her own business was a big key to lifestyle fulfillment and doing her work on her own terms and law was a great way to pursue a passion and a profession that is also a path to entrepreneurship. It is in this way that she seeks to inspire others to live their dreams and make a good living while at the same time doing work they love that does good in the world.

What was your favorite subject in school?

I always did well in English and language arts types of classes and not so great at math.

What was your first job?.

Oh gosh, I worked at Sam Goody record store in high school.

Where and how did you first get into the industry you currently work in?

During college in Washington, D.C. I needed a job and I had a friend that was working as a criminal defense investigator and she suggested me to a firm that was looking to hire. It was really my first contact with the criminal justice world and I really loved the job. It was through that job that I saw being a lawyer as a career path for me and I decided then to take the LSAT to get into law school.

How have those jobs prepared you for what you do now?

Some jobs showed me how much I wanted to be self-employed and how important that aspect was to me. As for the jobs in law, I was taught so much about how to approach a case and how to be in a courtroom, how to deal with clients, and how to run a business.

Describe the best day of work you’ve ever had.

Probably the days where you get a not guilty verdict. In my business there is really nothing better after working so hard for your client and really getting to know that person and their family and putting your blood, sweat, and tears into a case and then having a jury go your way. You never know when you are telling your case to the jury whether they really get your argument and when there is that meeting of the minds it is so satisfying. That sense of relief is palpable.

How do you keep yourself motivated?

I stay motivated because doing good work in the world in important to me but also because I am driven to have my own business and though that can sometimes be harder than having a j-o-b it’s worth it on so many levels.

What kind of business ideas excite you most? 

I love finding business ideas when I am talking to friends or family and can see how they can turn their passion into a business for themselves. I just love new entrepreneurship.

Have you ever tried any unorthodox techniques to attract attention to your business?

I have used direct mail and teleseminars which is unusual in my business. I like to try and pull from things that are working in other industries and see if they can be applied with success to my business.

What personal achievement are you most proud of?

My children.

What wisdom would you have liked to share with yourself when you first started out?

I think that the most important thing is mindset and attitude. You have to just decide to do something and not give yourself the option to fail. Knowing how much of success was mental from the beginning would have given me a big edge. Also that no one is perfect, so many people are afraid to start something because they fear they can’t be as amazing as the people they admire in their field but the truth is that everyone out there is just giving it their best everyone has good days and bad there is no perfection so let that go.

You can  follow Rachel  via Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn,

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