Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Marc Yonker – Co-Founder of Winters and Yonker

A tireless advocate for clients in need of an expert personal injury attorney, Marc Yonker has dedicated the last 16 years of his professional career to serving clients through Winters and Yonker, P.A., the law firm he co-founded alongside Bill Winters. Based out of the Tampa Bay, Florida, the law firm specializes in personal injury law and draws on the extensive experience and expertise of its co-founders, who have successfully represented clients dealing with injuries suffered as the result of automobile accidents, construction accidents, and slip-and-fall accidents, among the many other situations and circumstances in which a serious injury might occur.

Mr. Yonker always dreamed of a career as an attorney specializing in personal injury law. Mr. Yonker, who was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but was raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Easton, Pennsylvania, was inspired by the work of his father’s best friend, who was a personal injury attorney practicing in Easton. Although Mr. Yonker studied business and managerial economics while earning an associate’s degree from the University of Tampa and a bachelor’s degree from the University of South Florida, his interest in personal injury law never waned, which is why he ultimately applied to the Thomas M. Cooley Law School in Lansing, Michigan.

At the Thomas M. Cooley Law School, Mr. Yonker earned his Juris Doctorate and went on to gain acceptance to the Pennsylvania Bar Association as well as the Florida Bar Association. The prominent personal injury attorney then spent several years as an attorney at Richard Mulholland & Associates, a large personal injury firm where Mr. Yonker sharpened his personal injury law expertise while helping clients achieve the legal outcome they so richly deserved.

While Mr. Yonker’s work at a large personal injury firm was indeed rewarding, he nonetheless felt there was much more he could accomplish for clients by founding Winters and Yonker, the personal injury firm he has successfully run for the past 16 years and counting.

What was your best/favorite subject in school?

I enjoyed and performed well in just about every subject I encountered throughout my academic career, but any subject involving some aspect of history, economics, and the law is quite likely to rank among my personal favorites.

What was your first job?

After finishing law school, I secured a position as an attorney with a large personal injury law firm.

Where and how did you first get into the industry you currently work in?

I first became interested in personal injury law while growing up in Easton, Pennsylvania. My father’s best friend was a personal injury attorney tampa, and I was inspired by his work and was constantly asking him questions, including hypothetical questions as well as questions about the specific cases he’d handled over the years.

How have those jobs prepared you for what you do now?

Although I gained a great deal of experience and expertise while working for a larger personal injury firm, I also recognized the inherent limitations when it comes to providing truly client-centered legal representation. My desire to offer clients a more personalized approach is one of the main reasons I decided to partner with Bill Winters to found Winters and Yonker, P.A. in 2001.

Describe the best day of work you’ve ever had.

The best day of work was the day I decided to build a firm of my own in Winters and Yonker, P.A.

How do you keep yourself motivated?

Our clients are often overwhelmed by their circumstances, especially when enduring a serious personal injury and being forced to deal with a powerful insurer that seems unwilling to provide the compensation to which our client is rightfully entitled.

What kind of business ideas excite you most?

I’m most excited by business ideas that empower people that would otherwise be at a distinct disadvantage. It’s one of the reasons I was so excited to found a personal injury firm dedicated to providing clients with a uniquely personal level of legal representation.

Have you ever tried any unorthodox techniques to attract attention to your business?

We will consider anything that might help us deliver a better outcome for our clients, but so far we have not felt the need to use any kind of unorthodox technique in order to do so.

What personal achievement are you most proud of?

I’m proud to have my name associated with a law firm that has always been, and will always continue to be, dedicated to meeting the specific legal needs of clients reaching out to us during a time of obvious crisis.

What wisdom you would have liked to share with yourself when you first started out?

Although any entrepreneurial endeavor involves some level of risk, you should never be hesitant to make an investment in yourself or your principles.

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