Monday, October 16, 2017

Aaron Kelly – Attorney at Kelly / Warner Law

Aaron Kelly, Esq. is an internet law attorney located in Phoenix, Arizona.  He is a founding member of The Kelly / Warner Law Firm which focuses on ecommerce, compliance, trade libel and other legal issues.

Aaron Kelly received his Bachelors in Economics from the Eli Broad College of Business at Michigan State University.  Soon after graduating, he went on to attend Michigan State University College of Law.  His years of esteemed practice and experience in litigation and business law has helped him garner the reputation of one of the top practicing attorneys in the country.  

Mr. Kelly continues to practice to this day – sharpening his skills and expanding his knowledge as the digital legal world evolves.  The prestigious Kelly / Warner Law Firm is one of most sought after legal experts for consultation by digital media companies.  


What was your best/favorite subject in school?

My favorite subject in grade school was English and science.  As far as science goes, I loved the analytical breakdown of everything and seeing how elements were structured and created.  Going into college, business and economics were more of a focus for me. I treated both like a science.


What was your first job?

Growing up, one of my first jobs was working at a golf course.  I started out cleaning carts and also caddied.  It wasn’t glorious but looking back on it now, I can see the value in having your first job in the service industry.  Honestly, I think everyone should start out in that industry.  You learn the value in team work and treating customers with respect.


Where and how did you first get into the industry you currently work in?

I’ve always had an interest in startups in the tech space, especially during the early days of the dot com boom.  While at Michigan State University, I saw the rise of companies like Facebook and Myspace.  It wasn’t until law school when I realized I could be an attorney for other startups and digital companies.  It seemed like the most logical thing to do – combine what I’m studying and what excites me.


How have these jobs prepared you for what you do now?

As I mentioned before, my first job prepared me for servicing customers or clients in one way or another.  Studying law and choosing it as my career, was a natural choice for me at the time.

It was a way to experience multiple businesses and meet the people that have created world changing ideas and technology.  


Describe the best day of work you’ve ever had.

It’s tough to choose the best day of work I’ve ever had.  Whenever I get a big win for a client, that’s usually it.  Maybe not.

Figuring that out could take a while!  I really enjoy what I do and since I get to choose with whom I work, that freedom really makes every day very special to me.   


How do you keep yourself motivated?

I just focus on building good relationships and doing the best I can for my clients.  Motivation really comes from big wins on their behalf, but whenever I can learn something new about the digital world or emerging industries like blockchain technology, I know I’m putting myself in a better position to serve new clients.


What kind of business ideas excite you most?

Tech startups and established ecommerce businesses, hands down!  I’m not afraid to work with other sectors, but since I’ve spent so long becoming the best I can be in the field, I’m always excited to assist and advise creative startups.


Have you ever tried any unorthodox techniques to attract attention to your business?

Not necessarily.  The best attention we’ve gotten is through old fashioned business networking and marketing.  Tradeshows, attending or hosting events and asking for referrals has been the most effective way of bringing in clientele.


What personal achievement are you most proud of?

Outside of seeing my professional degree through to the end, I’m a very strong family focused man.  Family is everything to me.  They’re the root of all my strength and support.  I even regard some close friends as family.  


What wisdom would you have liked to share with yourself when you first started out?

If I go back to my time at Michigan State University and coming of age, I’d tell myself to stay focused and continue to learn.  Don’t get too distracted by the college life and make the most of what life itself has to offer.  Our time on Earth is brief and if you can help others while you’re here, then by all means do!


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